Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 14 for 2024

The Vine Issue 14 – 2024

September 27, 2024
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Mr James Tamblyn


Congratulations to all music students and staff who contributed to Pedare’s Music Showcase last week. The event was a celebration of our bands and ensembles, all of whom performed exceptionally well. The night was very well supported, and it was wonderful to celebrate our beginning musicians alongside our most accomplished senior performers. Really special to have students from Year 2 to Year 12 involved together. Thank you, and well done to all involved.

The Arts (Music) Showcase – Wednesday, 18 September

Congratulations also to the students and staff involved in Pedare’s Art Exhibition which opened on Wednesday, 18 September. The quality of work on display highlights the talent of our Visual Art students, alongside their commitment and dedication. Thank you to our Visual Art staff for their support of our young artists and their work to organise such an amazing Exhibition.

The Arts (Visual Art) Showcase – Wednesday, 18 September

Progress on the Senior Learning Centre continues to track well. The formwork for the bridge joining the SLC to the College Office is almost complete, and this will be poured in the upcoming term break. Consultation with staff and students on furnishing and fit-out continues. My ongoing thanks to all community members for your support of the project and your patience through the building phase.

SLC Progress – Thursday, 26 September

Thank you to all staff, students and community members for your contributions to a very successful Term 3. Please keep our Year 12s and their families in your thoughts and prayers as they approach the final leg of their schooling journey. We very much look forward to the celebrations marking their time at Pedare in the early part of Term 4.

I hope the upcoming term break provides an opportunity for you all to spend some quality time with family, and we very much look forward to welcoming students and staff back to commence Term 4 on Monday, 14 October.


The College Office will remain open during the term break (Monday, 30 September – Friday, 11 October); however, may need to close for short periods.

Messages can be left on 8280 1700 or email for any enquiries.

The Junior School Office will be closed during the term break.


Mrs Mandy Hore


Concluding another busy term provides a perfect opportunity to pause and reflect on all that has been accomplished. Term 3 was filled with numerous examples of hard work, growth, challenges and achievements. We have enjoyed Book Week, Middle and Senior School Athletics Day, Aladdin Junior musical and many other events. With the holidays approaching, prioritising our wellbeing is essential.

Term 3 College Highlights

While it may be tempting to fill our free time with activities, the term break is an ideal opportunity to slow down, rest and enjoy a change of pace and routine. Rest is not only about physical relaxation but also about mental and emotional restoration. Our bodies and minds need time to recharge, and our hearts need space to reflect. Caring for our wellbeing will allow us to return to our routines with renewed energy and a clear sense of purpose. Whether it’s spending time outdoors, catching up on sleep or engaging in a hobby that brings joy, rest is crucial for our overall health and productivity.

This break presents a wonderful opportunity to consciously disconnect from the usual hustle and engage in activities that foster joy and relaxation.

Year 12 students will be using their break to focus on trial exams and prepare for their final weeks of school and upcoming exams. While establishing a revision routine is critical, it’s equally important for them to schedule time for their wellbeing.

As we bid farewell to Term 3, we eagerly anticipate the start of Term 4 and the opportunity to celebrate the achievements and contributions of the Year 12 cohort. I am excited to take the lead as temporary Head of the Senior School as Mr Josh Willis goes on leave.

As you step into the break, please allow yourself to pause, breathe deeply and nurture your wellbeing. Rest is not a luxury; it’s a necessity, and let’s embrace it with gratitude.

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sunshine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Mrs Kat Elliot


Term 3 has been full of experiences and opportunities for learning and growth. From the dynamic performances in Junior Aladdin musical and the creativity displayed at our Arts Showcase to achievements in the One+ and Royal Show Science Awards, the Australian Mathematics Competition and the many accolades won in Music and Sports—our students have excelled. Tournament of Minds and VEX Robotics competitions demonstrated students’ creative engineering, while Parent-Teacher-Student interviews allowed for conversations around what we are doing well and how we can continue to do better.

More recently, Ngarrindjeri Elder Mark Koolmatrie returned to Pedare to share stories with Year 1 students and offer insights and experiences with the Year 10 students who are undertaking the Rights and Freedoms unit in History.

Mark Koolmatrie Visit – Tuesday, 24 September

As we reach the end of Term 3, this time can feel like a ‘watershed’ moment for many in our community. The hard work invested throughout the year is beginning to show, though the final outcomes are still to be determined. This is a period where we can appreciate our achievements while recognising that we still have time to shape the results.

For Year 12 students, these final weeks are critical as they wrap up final tasks for their subjects, preparing for trial exams or participating in workshops during the term break. With only eight days of classes remaining, they understand the importance of seeking guidance from teachers and using every opportunity to revise and complete their tasks to the best of their ability.

Next term is sure to fly by quickly for all other Junior, Middle and Senior School students. For now, take a moment to celebrate all you have achieved in Term 3, and enjoy the opportunity to rest.


Ms Lisa Daws


As this is my first term at Pedare, it has been an absolute pleasure to be part of such a welcoming and supportive environment. I sincerely thank the students, staff and families for making me feel at home.

Students have consistently demonstrated resilience, curiosity and a genuine passion for learning. Some highlights include the Reception Boat Making Challenge and the Year 2 excursion to the Marine Discovery Centre. From the classroom to the playground, students have exemplified what it means to be part of our College community—supporting each other, embracing challenges and striving to reach their full potential. The academic progress across all year levels has been impressive, with students engaging deeply in their learning and aiming for excellence.

Term 3 Junior School Highlights

One of the standout moments this term was the Year 4 Stalls. This initiative provided students with a hands-on learning experience, allowing them to explore budgeting, profit and loss and the fundamentals of running a small business. Under the guidance of Mr Peartree and Mrs Yang, all business plans and letters were thoughtfully developed and approved. Students showed creativity and initiative in crafting advertisements, setting pricing strategies and gaining a deeper understanding of the value of money—essential real-world skills that will serve them well in the future.

Year 4 Stalls – Thursday, 26 September

“Let your light shine” (Matthew 5:16 NIV)

We had the pleasure of presenting our Term 3 Junior SHINE Awards in Assembly this week, celebrating the efforts and growth of students who embody our core values: Safe, Honest, Inclusive, Neat and Engaged. It’s inspiring to witness these qualities reflected daily through their achievements, kindness and leadership.

Every student is encouraged to ‘let their light shine’ by being their authentic selves and striving for excellence. We recognise the hard work, effort and progress of each student this term. Congratulations to our SHINE Award recipients—your positive attitudes truly brighten our school! Keep shining!

Junior Shine Awards Assembly – Friday, 27 September

Junior Shine Awards Term 3, 2024 Recipients:

  • Front row (left to right): Yaiden T (MYR), Harper B & Sebastian C (Reception), Emmet E & Cassidy C (Year 1), Millie G & Sophie C (Year 2)
  • Back row (left to right): Samuel M & Olivia Z (Year 3), Caterina C & Jamie T (Year 4), Amrit S, Zara R & Marcus B (Year 5)

As the holidays approach, I’d like to remind families about the Vacation Care program available through OSHC (Out of School Hours Care), which offers a range of fun and engaging activities to keep students active and entertained. I also encourage you to be mindful of screen time, explore new experiences, and enjoy quality time together as a family and with friends, fostering face-to-face connections.

Term 4 Reminder

Please remember that full Summer uniform, including hats, is required for Term 4. Ensure your child’s uniform fits properly, and review the guidelines for jewellery, hair and shoes. We take pride in our uniform and expect students to wear it with respect and care.

Term 4 promises to be just as exciting, with preparations already underway for end-of-year celebrations, transition activities and further opportunities for growth. I wish you a restful holiday break and look forward to welcoming everyone back for Term 4 on Monday, 14 October, refreshed and ready for the final term of the year.


Mrs Eliza Buckoke


As we reflect on this term, I warmly congratulate students and staff for their hard work, dedication and achievements. It has been a rewarding period, filled with exciting opportunities for growth, learning and connection.

Year 5 Transition Visit

We were delighted to welcome Year 5 students for their first transition visit this term. They joined the Middle School Assembly, followed by a fantastic session led by our Languages faculty. The visit concluded with a tour of the Middle School, guided by our Year 6 Core Teachers—a great opportunity for them to get a taste of what lies ahead next year.

Year 6-11 Parent-Teacher Interviews

Thank you to all the parents who attended the Year 6 to Year 11 Parent-Teacher Interviews. It was wonderful to connect and discuss your child’s progress. We remind you that we are here to partner with you throughout your child’s educational journey. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any concerns or questions. We are always available to support you.

Year 6 City Excursion

Last week, Year 6 students had an excursion to the city, visiting Parliament House, the Art Gallery and the Museum. It was a fantastic day, filled with learning experiences that brought their classroom lessons to life.

Year 6 City Excursion – Thursday, 19 September

Year 9 students had a wonderful time during Languages Day, which included a Chinese excursion and a German-themed day of activities. These enriching experiences were made possible by our dedicated staff, and we are grateful for the ongoing opportunities they create for students to deepen their understanding of language and culture.

Year 9 Language Day – Wednesday, 25 September

Looking ahead to the next term, I’m confident we will continue to grow and achieve great things together. Well done to all, and I look forward to seeing what Term 4 holds for the Middle School community!


Mr Josh Willis


As we approach the end of another busy term, the College has been alive with an impressive display of student work and talent. It has been truly inspiring to witness the creativity, dedication and skill of students showcased in various events and exhibitions, including the Arts Showcase held last Wednesday, 18 September.

Although not a traditional showcase of student work, the Senior School Quiz Night held on Wednesday, 25 September, deserves special mention. Organised by student leaders, the event highlighted their outstanding initiative, leadership and community spirit. The quiz covered a wide range of topics—from academic subjects to pop culture—ensuring there was something for everyone. The friendly competition between staff and student teams fostered a sense of connection, while the creative challenges between rounds kept the energy high throughout the evening. 

Senior School Quiz Night – Wednesday, 25 September

As we celebrate these wonderful displays of talent and leadership, we must also acknowledge the important period ahead for Year 12 students. This term break is crucial as they prepare for their final assessments and SACE exams. Next week, we will be conducting trial exams and study workshops to help them make the most of their final push to the finish line. We encourage all Year 12 students to take full advantage of these opportunities and use the break for focused study and self-care. We have every confidence in their abilities and are committed to supporting them every step of the way.



It’s often difficult to grasp how God knows everything about us—our thoughts, unspoken words, grief, loneliness and joys. However, the understanding that we are ‘known’ by God can transform everything in our lives.

We have the reassurance of being held in God’s hand, loved and accepted as we are. We are a source of joy and happiness to God, who knows us before we know Him.

With billions of people on Earth, God does not see crowds like we do. He knows each one of us individually, by name. With the challenges of living well, relationships, loss and grief in today’s complex world, we can be confident that God knows our illnesses, disappointments, hurts, longings and joys. 

For our Term Worship series, “Made in the Image of God,” students have been encouraged to read Psalms 139 – a prayer from the Psalmist David who, in a world not connected with today’s technology, knew within himself that God knowing him changed everything – the way we see others, the world, the future and ourselves. In prayer, we can ask God to reveal Himself to us, to help us see as He sees, and when we do, everything changes.

Ms Miriam Smith, College Chaplain


Update Contact Information

The College maintains a database of student and family information. If your contact details or emergency contact information changes, please notify the College by emailing

Alternatively, you can update your information via Operoo using the “Request to Change Personal Details/Contact Information” form. (see image)

While a parent is always the first contact, it is important we have another emergency contact number in case we are not able to contact a parent if your child becomes unwell or injured at school.


Australian Mathematics Competition

This year, 78 students from Years 3 to 12 participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition. Across all year levels, students performed impressively, with the College celebrating 2 High Distinctions, 15 Distinctions and 36 Credits. A special congratulations to those who achieved a High Distinction or Distinction, recognised in this week’s Middle and Senior School Assembly for their remarkable achievements. Well done to all participants!

Women in Aviation Work Experience Program 

Keziah C (Year 11) and Fiona C (Year 10) were both successfully selected by the Air Force to attend the Women in Aviation Work Experience Program at RAAF Base Edinburgh for four days. Throughout the program, they immersed themselves in the daily life of Aviators, explored future career possibilities, and connected with like-minded girls from across Australia. Congratulations to both Keziah and Fiona!

Tournament of Minds

This term, a group of talented students represented the College at the Tournament of Minds (ToM), held at Adelaide High School on Sunday, 8 September 2024. The competition began with group challenges and collaboration before students selected their Long-Term Challenge in the area of Social Sciences.

Their challenge involved imagining an event that moved and reconnected continents, releasing the Spirit of ToM. Students built a 3D model showing shifts like Antarctica moving to the equator and Australia bordering Brazil, then presented how these changes would affect the environment and societies.

For their spontaneous challenge, they were given a sign reading “Code Navy Blue” and 4 minutes to create a skit. They interpreted it as an urgent but not critical issue for plants, with one student acting as a tree in need of care.

The event was a great opportunity for students to think creatively, work across year levels and form new friendships.

Ms Renee Simanis, Miss Mary Angley and the ToM team


German Letter Exchange

Bargteheide, a small town in northern Germany, was the focus of a recent letter exchange between some of our Year 9 German students and high school students from the town. The students enjoyed writing and receiving letters, gaining insights into German life and comparing the school systems in Australia and Germany. This exchange has been a rewarding and engaging experience for everyone involved.

Mrs Stefanie Edmondson

Connect through Language

In Week 6, Middle and Senior School Home Groups explored how language diversity connects our community. Students filled in flowers, writing their dominant language in the centre and additional languages on the petals. Many acknowledged languages spoken at home, with family or those learned at school.

Home Groups celebrated this diversity by writing the languages on paper leaves, which were displayed with the flowers on a “Language Tree” in Lower Mallee. As students added their leaves and flowers, they were amazed by both the variety and the commonality of languages within the College.

Mrs Nicole Callen



The Pedare Extra-Curricular Team are excited to bring you a new portal, containing information and links all in one location to our Sports and Clubs program.

The Portal is updated regularly to bring you the latest news, announcements, updates, results and more of Pedare Extra-curricular activities and events.




Tea Tree Gully Anglican


Tea Tree Gully Anglican Church is a group of Christians who seek to serve Jesus in everything we do. Whether you are just visiting or looking for a Christian home, we aim to be a loving and supportive family for you.

On Sundays, we meet at the church at 8.30 am, 10.00 am and 6.00 pm. If you want to discover what the bible says Christianity is all about, join one of the numerous weekly bible discussion groups, or want to find out about our Kids Club (R-6) from 3:30-5pm and Youth group (Y7-12) from 7-9pm that both operate on a weekly basis during school terms.

Please visit our website ( or contact Rick Maude at for details.




Gully Church (Tea Tree Gully Uniting) – Banksia Markets


Gully Church hosts the ‘local and friendly’ Banksia Markets on the first Saturday of each month from 8.30 am to 1.00 pm at 600 Milne Road, Banksia Park. Stalls inside the hall and in the car park include produce, fresh fruit and vegetables, jewellery, tools, bric-à-brac and lots more.

For more information, contact the Gully Church website at or email




Golden Grove Uniting Church


Golden Grove Uniting Church, corner of Crouch and One Tree Hill Road, Golden Grove, has a traditional service at 10 am on a Sunday.  Also, on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, we have a cafe-style church, a relaxed contemporary worship service at 6 pm in the Church hall.

Café Youth is a fun, interactive program for young people ages 14 and up looking to engage in topics of faith. Café Youth sessions start with a fun 30-minute activity based on the theme for the night, then followed by “Talk Time”, during which the group discusses a topic of faith while enjoying delicious snacks, refreshments and pizza! The cost for each session is $5.

For further information, please contact the Office at 8251 4298 or email  You can even check our webpage: