Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 15 for 2024

The Vine Issue 15 – 2024

October 25, 2024
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Mr James Tamblyn


This week, we have celebrated the final stage of our Year 12 students’ journey at Pedare. At Friday’s Thanksgiving Service, I spoke about the power of gratitude, and through it, our opportunity to choose happiness even through the most challenging times.

Benedictine Monk David Steindl-Rast is a renowned advocate for grateful living and I love his work on the connection between happiness and gratitude. He teaches that happiness is achieved by being grateful for what we have, rather than coveting something else or more of the same. We reflected with our graduating Year 12s on some examples of people who perhaps had every right not to feel grateful but chose to focus on cultivating gratitude for what they did have. 

Eddie Jaku, a Holocaust survivor and author of ‘The Happiest Man on Earth,’ exemplifies the power of gratitude in the face of unimaginable hardship. After enduring profound loss and suffering, he chose to embrace life with gratitude. His story teaches us that while we cannot control our circumstances, we can choose how we respond to them. Eddie Jaku’s journey reminds us to cherish every moment and to be thankful for the gift of life itself. He cultivated a grateful heart to find joy in circumstances we cannot begin to imagine. 

On 2 September 2011, Turia Pitt competed in a 100km ultramarathon through Western Australia’s Kimberley region. During the race, she ended up being surrounded by an uncontrolled wildfire and suffered burns to 65% of her body. She subsequently underwent over 200 operations. She embodies gratitude. After surviving this ordeal, she chose to focus on what she had – her strength, her support system and her dreams. Turia Pitt teaches us that gratitude can be an extraordinarily powerful force in our lives, pushing us to overcome obstacles and to celebrate our victories, no matter how small. Her spirit reminds us that every setback can lead to a new opportunity for growth and gratitude. 

Neale Daniher, an Australian rules football legend, has faced the challenges of motor neurone disease (MND) with remarkable grace and gratitude. Since being diagnosed with MND in 2013, he has dedicated his life to raising awareness and funds for research, emphasising the importance of community and connection. Neale Daniher’s journey is a testament to the idea that gratitude can inspire action. His commitment to making a difference teaches us that expressing gratitude for what we have can motivate us to give back to others. 

Each of these people had every reason to focus on the negative circumstances in their lives. But instead, they chose gratitude; a focus on what they had and what they could do with it. They chose happiness, which no one or no circumstance can take away from them. It is not happiness that makes them grateful; it’s gratitude that makes them happy.

We wish our graduates every blessing, every success and every happiness with all that lies ahead, and we look forward to following their progress with great interest. 

Year 12 Breakfast – Thursday, 24 October

Year 12 Final Assembly and Guard of Honour – Thursday, 24 October

To the parents of our graduates, thank you for your support over the journey. Your contributions to our community are so highly valued, and most greatly appreciated. Perhaps the most special part of the past few days has been sharing it with you.  

To our staff, thank you for all your hard work over the academic year. You are an amazingly committed and talented team of professionals. You inspire our students and each other. I say this often; the quality of a school cannot, ever, exceed the quality of its staff, and our College is exceptional because of your dedication to students.


Mrs Mandy Hore


First of the Lasts – Celebrating our 2024 Year 12 cohort

Welcome to Term 4! This Term begins with the “Festival of Year 12”, celebrating the final moments before the Year 12 students leave our College. Every moment is tinged with reflection and celebration of the growth, friendships and achievements.

The ‘first of the lasts’ extends to the day-to-day experiences that Year 12 students are wrapping up. Every day seems to bring another ‘last’—whether it’s the final time wearing their school uniform, submitting an assignment or the last lunchtime spent with friends. These moments are not just a countdown to graduation but also an opportunity to appreciate the sense of community they’ve been a part of.

The first ‘last’ was last week’s Senior School Leadership Induction Assembly, where our 2024 student leaders were celebrated and thanked for the legacy they leave behind. This service was a great reminder of their leadership and dedication to being exemplary role models within the College. I thank Liam H (Year 12) and Caitlin E (Year 12) for their service and I am excited to work with the new 2025 leaders.

College Captains – Lanna A & Keziah C

Brooklyn Captains – Kailee P & Angus H

Eldergreen Captains – Ava-Rose G & Isaac L

Greenwith Captains – Aditi M & Riley G

Hillcott Captains – Alex H & Casey E

Surrey Captains – Ojaswi G & Michael J

Arts Captains Alice W & Lucas S

Sports Captains – Ruby R & Emily S

2025 Leadership Induction Assembly – Thursday, 17 October

Students have also enjoyed their final Community Gatherings, with Community Coordinators expressing gratitude for the many contributions this group has made to events like Gatherings, Swimming and Athletics Carnivals, dinners and this week’s Wild West-themed Spring Carnival.

Term 4 R-12 Casual Day – Wednesday, 23 October

Middle and Senior School Spring Carnival – Wednesday, 23 October

This week began the more formal ‘last’ events, including their final Assembly, which intertwined with some fun and, of course, fellowship. The Assembly was filled with heartfelt speeches, farewell songs and even a few inside jokes from their final performances. They shared the memories they’ve made and reflected on the challenges they’ve overcome, which made the atmosphere warm and inclusive. More importantly, they were reminded that they do not walk this journey alone and to embrace the future,

“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds” Matthew 5:16

Year 12 Morning Tea Staff & Students – Tuesday, 22 October

Finally, Year 12s reach their final milestones with the Thanksgiving Service followed by the Graduation Dinner today. I look forward to sharing photos and stories from these special moments.

The end of Year 12 is an emotional time for both students and teachers. Teachers are proud to see their students cross the finish line, ready to take on the world beyond school. At the same time, there’s an inevitable sadness that comes with saying goodbye to those who have left such an imprint on the school.

For the Year 12 students, the realisation that these are their final moments at the College comes with mixed feelings. There’s excitement for the future—university, work and the many adventures that lie ahead—but also a nostalgia for the familiar. The friendships made in the classroom and the memories created are moments they’ll carry with them as they step into the next phase of their lives.

I wish the Year 12 students undertaking exams the best of luck. A balanced lifestyle and trust in your hard work will help you face exams confidently! To those who have completed their studies – congratulations! You all leave with every best wish for the future. Please don’t be strangers and let this week be the last of the lasts. You have a community behind you – always will.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Please contact me at any time if I can support you or your family in any way.


Mrs Kat Elliot


Term 4 has launched and is in full swing. As Year 12s wrap up their final tasks and exams, Year 5s have commenced work on their exhibitions for the PYP, and final assessment programs are underway across all areas of the school.

To complement this, teachers are beginning to review learning programs and consider what has worked well, as well as areas to change or adapt moving forward. To help us, data from PAT and NAPLAN tests can inform our practice and support our understanding of student progress. From these and myriad other sources, we learn from what we have done and look for ways of constant innovation and engaging learning programs.

When we watch a movie or read a book, our enjoyment of the story often hinges on how the plot all comes together at the end. In this same way, we have been speaking with Year 12s about the importance of finishing well. All of us can benefit from considering our attitude and commitment through to the very end of our school year and aim to finish well.

It will feel like the blink of an eye when we gather to celebrate academic achievements later this term in the Middle and Senior Schools. While we recognise the 10% who have achieved Academic Excellence awards, we also recognise that sustained effort and excellence in attitude are equally important through our Endeavour awards.


Ms Lisa Daws


“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9 (NIV)

As we begin this final chapter of the year, we’re graced by beautiful weather, symbolising a fresh start. This is a season to finish strong, embrace challenges and maintain a growth mindset—knowing that perseverance and effort lead to growth and improvement.

Term 4 brings exciting opportunities for new perspectives, particularly as we prepare for transitions, welcome new students and meet the teachers who will join us in the journey ahead. Each new experience is a chance to develop, and it’s this mindset of growth that will carry us through the term and beyond—new friends, connections and for some, a chance to restore relationships.

Year 5 Exhibition

One of the major highlights this term is the Year 5 Exhibition, a pinnacle of their PYP journey. Year 5s are preparing to showcase not just their knowledge, but also their resilience, curiosity and determination. This exhibition is an example of how, with a growth mindset, challenges are embraced, mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities and perseverance leads to success as they prepare for the next step in their educational pathway.

Junior School Student Leadership

In addition, the Junior School Student Leadership nomination process is now underway for Year 4 students. They are learning to step into new responsibilities with confidence and the understanding that leadership is about effort, learning from feedback and continuous improvement. We encourage them to see leadership as a stepping stone where growth comes from stepping out of comfort zones and embracing opportunities to lead with empathy and integrity.

Student Relationship and Engagement Policy – Neat

On Friday, we were excited to introduce the next value in our Student Relationship and Engagement Policy – Neat. A neat and well-presented uniform and environment not only reflect pride but also a mindset of taking care of oneself and the community. With every effort to wear the uniform correctly, we’re fostering responsibility and attention to detail—qualities that help build a strong foundation for lifelong growth. Wearing our uniform correctly fosters a sense of belonging, respect and unity within our College community. Thank you to all our families for your support in ensuring our students present themselves proudly in their uniforms.

Let’s make this term a time of growth, achievement and positivity for all. The term is full of engaging experiences, and I encourage you to mark the dates on your calendar. They promise to be enjoyable and valuable learning experiences for everyone!

Upcoming Diary Dates:

  • 2025 Reception Transition – Tuesday, 29 October, 5 November & 12 November
  • Year 1 Gorge Wildlife Excursion – Wednesday, 30 October
  • Year 3 Sleepover – Friday, 1 November
  • Year 5 Middle School Transition Visit – Wednesday, 6 November
  • Learning Journeys – Tuesday, 5 & Wednesday, 6 November
  • Reception GooRoo Animation Incursion – Friday, 8 November
  • JS Recital Evening – Wednesday, 13 November
  • JS Sports Day – Friday, 15 November
  • Year 5 Exhibition – Wednesday, 27 November
  • JS Nativity – Friday, 29 November
  • Welcome Day – Tuesday, 3 December
  • JS Thanksgiving – Friday, 6 December


Mrs Eliza Buckoke


Thank you for your continued support as we move into Term 4. It is a short term ahead, but one that is packed with activities and opportunities for all students.

VEX tournaments have continued in full swing, with several teams heading to Salisbury East High School on the very first day of the term. We are incredibly proud that many of our teams have progressed to the State Championships, which will take place next Monday, 28 October.

VEX Tournament – Salisbury East High School (SEHS) – Monday, 14 October

Next week, Year 6 students will attend camp at Roonka River Adventure Park. We’re eagerly looking forward to hearing about the exciting outdoor activities they’ll experience, and the positive effects these adventures will have on building resilience, strengthening friendships and connecting with staff in a more relaxed setting. Camp offers a wonderful opportunity for students and staff to bond outside the classroom, fostering stronger relationships and a sense of community.

This week, we also celebrated the journey of the Year 12 cohort. It’s been wonderful to see Middle School students join in the festivities, including the Spring Carnival and the Year 12 Worship service. The Guard of Honour, involving all students, was a touching way to honour the Year 12s as they conclude their time at Pedare. We hope these experiences inspire our younger students to value their connections with peers, staff and the wider College community.

We appreciate your ongoing support as Middle School students navigate the many events ahead while balancing the growing responsibilities that come with their increasing independence and role within the College community.


The Gift of Friendship

As Year 12s conclude their time at Pedare, it’s worth reflecting on how much their school friendships have shaped who they are today. Have you ever caught yourself saying or doing something, or even using similar mannerisms as your family or friends? It’s often not a conscious choice but a result of our daily interactions. Friendships have a powerful influence on how we see ourselves—either lifting us up as our cheerleaders or, at times, making us feel the need to conform to fit in.

During the Year 12 Final Assembly on Thursday, 24 October, I shared the story of the friendship between David and Jonathan in 1 Samuel. These young men were as close as brothers, and this bond ultimately saved David from King Saul’s plot to kill him. God used this friendship to protect the future King David, the author of many Psalms, and the King through whom we trace the ancestry of Jesus.

I encourage the Year 12s—and all of us—to take time to thank our friends for the role they’ve played in shaping who we are today.

Mrs Alaina Frost, College Chaplain


Sibling Enrolment – Ensure a position will be available!

Have you enrolled younger siblings of children already attending the College? 

There is currently a very strong demand for enrolments in all year levels at the College. If you have yet to register an application for your child for 2027 and beyond, please contact the College as soon as possible to secure a place.  

A separate enrolment application must be completed for each child in your family, otherwise, placement cannot be guaranteed.

While we cannot guarantee a place, preference is given to siblings of currently enrolled students. 

To register your child, please submit an application form along with a $100 application fee, a copy of their birth certificate or proof of Australian citizenship/residency, NAPLAN results, their most recent school report, and any specialist reports or educational assessments (if applicable).

Please contact me for an application form, or you can collect one from the College Office.

Julie Holland

Community Relations Manager

Pre-Loved Clothing Donations

Pre-loved clothing donations are being collected from our College families between Weeks 2-4. Eco-Force, Lions Leo Club and Year 7 Sustainability students are partnering with one of our founding churches, St. Luke’s Anglican Parish, for a community service project. They would greatly appreciate donations of clean, good-condition clothing for babies, children, men and women. Students will bring home recycled paper bags to be returned by the end of Week 4.

Ms Miriam Smith, College Chaplain

Uniform News

Devon Uniforms are now taking bookings for Uniform fittings for 2025. You can book your appointment between 4 November and 31 January here.

Please note: Community Tops are available by order only. To ensure that your child has their Community Top for the start of Term One 2025, please order by Friday 13 December.  Order here.

If you would like to buy and sell pre-loved Pedare uniforms, please visit the Pedare Second-Hand Uniform Buy / Sell Facebook Group.

2023 Yearbooks

The 2023 College Year Book will be available shortly and a copy will be distributed to each family who had children attend in 2023. If families would like to order a second copy, please contact the College Office to order. An extra copy will cost $50.

Academic Scholarships for Year 7 in 2026

Application for an Academic Scholarship is open to both new students and current Pedare students who will enter Year 7 in 2026.

Applicants are required to register online to sit the Australian Cooperative Entry Program (ACEP) Scholarship Test, administered and marked by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). Applicants must demonstrate a range of skills such as the ability to interpret, infer, deduce and think critically. The tests are not curriculum-based and do not test the ability to retrieve learned knowledge, nor are they diagnostic.

The value of the scholarships is up to 50% tuition fee remission, with scholarships being reviewed annually to monitor the student’s continuing performance. It is expected that recipients will complete their schooling at Pedare.

More information can be found here.

Parents & Friends News

The Pedare Parents & Friends (P&F) Association has two great ways for families to support our College while getting something special:

  • Entertainment Membership

Want to save big while making a difference? With an Entertainment Membership, you’ll unlock amazing rewards and support our fundraiser at the same time!

Here’s what you’ll get when you purchase your Membership today:

  • A FREE $30 eGift Card – Yours instantly with any Membership purchase!
  • A bonus Multi City upgrade, giving you access to up to 50% off dining, shopping and travel across Australia, New Zealand and Bali
  • 20% of your purchase goes directly to support our fundraiser

Don’t wait – this offer is available for a limited time!

To place your orders, please visit: here

Crazy Camel Art Fundraiser

Junior School students have been busy creating beautiful artworks, and these are now available for families to view and purchase unique items featuring your child’s art, such as calendars, greeting cards, diaries, notebooks, pillowcases, tea towels, shopping bags and more. These make perfect Christmas gifts for family and friends.

To place your orders, please visit: Pedare Christian College – Junior School

Order by: Wednesday, 30 October to ensure delivery before the end of the school year


Year 7 Sustainability Excursion to St Luke’s Anglican Parish

Year 7 Sustainability students visited the community garden at St Luke’s Anglican Parish to prepare garden beds for the Pedare and Parish Community Celebrations on 9 November. They toured the garden, learning how to cultivate successful yields for continuous harvest.

With help from Parish volunteers David and Max, the students prepared planter boxes and selected companion plants to grow. They also toured the church, gaining insight into the Anglican foundations of the College.

A highlight was exploring the Op Shop, where they found treasures to upcycle for the school gardens.

Many thanks to Rev Jo and the volunteers for their warm welcome.

Mrs Jude Johnson

Fun in OSHC

In OSHC, we’ve been focusing on wellness and teamwork with some fun activities as the students return to the College. We explored healthy eating by creating food faces from magazine cut-outs of fruits and vegetables, and the after-school care group even made delicious banana muffins! The students also enjoyed a teamwork challenge, completing an obstacle course in pairs to strengthen their relationships and cooperation skills.

Ms Katy Allen



The Pedare Extra-Curricular Team are excited to bring you a new portal, containing information and links all in one location to our Sports and Clubs program.

The Portal is updated regularly to bring you the latest news, announcements, updates, results and more of Pedare Extra-curricular activities and events.




Tea Tree Gully Anglican


Tea Tree Gully Anglican Church is a group of Christians who seek to serve Jesus in everything we do. Whether you are just visiting or looking for a Christian home, we aim to be a loving and supportive family for you.

On Sundays, we meet at the church at 8.30 am, 10.00 am and 6.00 pm. If you want to discover what the bible says Christianity is all about, join one of the numerous weekly bible discussion groups, or want to find out about our Kids Club (R-6) from 3:30-5pm and Youth group (Y7-12) from 7-9pm that both operate on a weekly basis during school terms.

Please visit our website ( or contact Rick Maude at for details.




Gully Church (Tea Tree Gully Uniting) – Banksia Markets


Gully Church hosts the ‘local and friendly’ Banksia Markets on the first Saturday of each month from 8.30 am to 1.00 pm at 600 Milne Road, Banksia Park. Stalls inside the hall and in the car park include produce, fresh fruit and vegetables, jewellery, tools, bric-à-brac and lots more.

For more information, contact the Gully Church website at or email




Golden Grove Uniting Church


Golden Grove Uniting Church, corner of Crouch and One Tree Hill Road, Golden Grove, has a traditional service at 10 am on a Sunday.  Also, on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, we have a cafe-style church, a relaxed contemporary worship service at 6 pm in the Church hall.

Café Youth is a fun, interactive program for young people ages 14 and up looking to engage in topics of faith. Café Youth sessions start with a fun 30-minute activity based on the theme for the night, then followed by “Talk Time”, during which the group discusses a topic of faith while enjoying delicious snacks, refreshments and pizza! The cost for each session is $5.

For further information, please contact the Office at 8251 4298 or email  You can even check our webpage: