Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 18 for 2020

The Vine Issue 18 – 2020

November 20, 2020
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James Tamblyn


Mr James Tamblyn


With the six-day lockdown now ending early at midnight Saturday, and the news that schools can reopen, we look forward to welcoming students back to the College on Monday morning. Lessons will run as normal for all students in the Junior and Middle Schools.

Year 10 and 11 exams will now be able to take place at the College. A revised schedule has been communicated to students and parents.

We are still unclear on how restrictions will impact the format and timing of the Year 12 Formal, Welcome Day and Junior School Nativity but will provide updates as soon as we have clarity. I will communicate again on Sunday afternoon when we are also hopeful of having clarity about sport and co-curricular activities over the next fortnight.

As articulated by the Chief Public Health Officer said, the lifting of the hard lockdown does not mean that the risks associated with COVID-19 have passed. As a result we will continue to minimise the number of people coming and going from our site. Wherever possible we ask families to drop and collect children at the gate and maintain the appropriate physical distance from other adults.

My thanks to all members of the Pedare community for your support and patience through the unique circumstances of the past week in South Australia.

Whiteman Andrew Final


Mr Andrew Whiteman


We often say at school that no two days are the same… in 2020 that statement has never been more true. The range of emotions that families, staff and students have had to deal with over the past week have been immense. Towards the end of any year, people start to get tired but in a year like we have had every emotion seems to be heightened. This week saw us move very quickly into a hard lockdown and we appreciate that students across the entire College were upset at the speed of which the entire state had to move. In saying this, our students handled the announcement very well and I hope that the support they receive from school and home is helping them through these challenging times.

Information about the Stage One and Year 10 examinations has been sent to students and families and we look forward to completing these. Given the circumstances of this week, there should be no need to compare our end of year exams between students or with past results. These exams should be looked upon as learning experiences for our students and even though the results will be reported there are a number of factors that will influence the final grades.

Many people experience an anxious feeling or stress during an examination week. As much as possible, we want to maintain a calm environment and reduce the feelings of students being overwhelmed by exams. Sometimes easier said than done.

For the coming days below are some tips to try and overcome feelings of stress or anxiety:

  • Take a deep breath and say ‘I can do this’
  • Speak to family, friends or a teacher about how you are feeling
  • Practice relaxation exercises before you need them, ideally before you are about to sit an exam
  • Focus on the task, not what others might be thinking or how others might approach an exam
  • Remember times you have performed well at school
  • Trust that you have demonstrated your knowledge all year and this is just one more piece to complete.

As always do not hesitate to make contact with our pastoral team if you have any concerns about your children. The students have worked hard all year and we would like them to finish off the year on a positive note.

We thank you again for your understanding and patience at this time as our staff prepare for the final weeks of the year.


 Mr Josh Willis


2021 Student Leadership Team 

I am very pleased to announce the Middle School Student Leadership Team for 2021.

There was a very strong pool of Year 8 students who applied for these positions. We were so pleased with the way that all applicants presented themselves during the application process, which made these decisions very difficult. We look forward to the following students leading the Middle School in 2021.

Middle School Captains 

  • Caitlyn Ekins and Ryan Ansari

Community Service Captains

  • Louise Shimmin and Ranya Tongaria

Community Captains

  • Brooklyn – Brooke Silby and Lachlan Saunders
  • Eldergreen – Olivia Arruzzolo and Lara Cullen
  • Greenwith – Patrick Hancock and Gideon Malherbe
  • Hillcott – Ava Haldane-Spencer and Tayla Ktisti
  • Surrey – Chloe John and Bella Cornell

Year 5 Transition Opportunities

Over the past term, Year 5 students have engaged in various learning opportunities in the Mallee building, with a range of Middle School Teachers to best prepare them for 2021. We have been exposing these students to some Middle School offerings, facilities, processes and staff members.

Students have been engaged in specific subject lessons including, Art, Science, HPE, Technology, Positive Education and Core lessons. This week was the final instalment of these experiences for 2020. We are excited to welcome these students as members of the Middle School in 2021 and look forward to further transition opportunities for these students on Welcome Day.

Mr Randall Pearce


Mr Randall Pearce


This week I was rostered to deliver a morning staff devotion on Monday morning. My inspiration for this came from a Churches’ message board which I pass each day on my way to Pedare. The message simply said ‘Pray – a 4 letter word you can use anywhere.’

I knew straight away that this simple message would provide me inspiration for my devotion and I now know that with the recent events within South Australia and the lockdown we are currently experiencing this message and my devotion is timely to share with our community.

After reading this message, I then decided to do a bit of a search of other 4 letter words you can use anywhere and provided a biblical verse for context.


Ephesians 4:32

New International Version

32 ‘Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.


Mark 12:20

‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’


Romans 12:12

‘Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.’


Proverbs 29:11

‘Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.’

So, during this time of lockdown my prayer for our community is to be KIND to one another, show LOVE to all, don’t give up HOPE and continue to pray for our leaders to continue to make WISE decisions at this difficult time.



Congratulations to the following Middle School students on being inducted as the 2021 Middle School Captains:

2021 Middle School Captains

Caitlyn Ekins & Ryan Ansari

2021 Community Service Captains

Louise Shimmin & Ranya Tongaria

2021 Brooklyn Captains

Brooke Silby & Lachlan Saunders

2021 Eldergreen Captains

Olivia Arruzzolo & Lara Cullen

2021 Greenwith Captains

Patrick Hancock & Gideon Malherbe

2021 Hillcott Captains

Ava Haldane-Spencer & Tayla Ktisti

2021 Surrey Captains

Bella Cornell & Chloe John


On Wednesday 11 November, College staff, Years 5 to Year 11 students and invited guests, gathered together in the Wattle Courtyard to honour the men and women of Armed Forces in Australia and around the world who have given their lives in conflicts. The moving service included a speech from Mr Mike Meredith, a long-standing Army Reservist and staff member of Golden Grove High School, prayer’s read by students, a minute’s silence, the Last Post and captains from Junior, Middle and Senior Schools laying a wreath at the bottom of the cross.

Lest we Forget.


On Wednesday 11 November, the Junior School combined their Junior Worship with the Remembrance Day ceremony. Mr John Morton, College Chaplain, led the service with the message about how Jesus came to serve by giving up his life and dying on the cross for us. In the Bible are the words ‘No one has greater love than the one who gives their life for their friends’ – John 15:13 NIRV 

These words are sometimes read during Remembrance Day services, reminding us that some brave people in our country have given their lives to serve us and keep us safe. It is important to participate in honouring those who sacrificed so much during times of war.

Receptions also enjoyed making and decorating letters for a ‘We Will Remember Them’ sign that was hang on the Junior School Administration building for Remembrance Day.


In Year 2, students are passionate about their gardening and worm Subpods. They have recently enjoyed making sandwiches using the lettuce they have grown themselves. Students have been enthusiastically ripping cardboard as a means of adding carbon to the worm farm Subpods, along with their food scraps.

Mrs Ailsa Burne – Year 2 Teacher


  • “It’s really unfair that the dark skinned people would have to be separated from the light skinned people because it’s just how God made us and it would make God sad if they were separated.”Emeline

Year 2B students have enjoyed watching the YouTube version of ‘No Way Yirrikipayi’, as read by Nina Black. In Addition, ‘Say Yes, A story of friendship, fairness and a vote for hope’ by Jennifer Castles sparked robust discussion and the following comments were made:

  • “It wasn’t fair that the brown skinned people had to do different things from the white skinned people.”Hakala
  • “The Aboriginal people had to go to a different school; and it was unfair.”Kari
  • “I am happy that the law got voted YES because the people I play with most are darker than me and I am happy that they can be at the same school as me.”Jasper
  • “If you had a dark skinned person as a friend and they couldn’t go to your school it would be really sad because you would forget them and you wouldn’t get to play together.”Tyson
  • “This book taught me that it doesn’t matter about your skin, it matters more about your heart.”Liam
  • “It’s unfair that you have to separate the swimming pools. If the law was still there I couldn’t play with my swimming buddy.”William
  • “It’s unfair that the dark-skinned people would have to go to another school and if they had light skinned friends they wouldn’t see them, only maybe on holidays and weekends.”Vedanth


Year 9 Media Art students have completed installing a bright and colourful mural that is exploding shapes and patterns for Junior School. The design was created in collaboration with Year 3 and Year 9 students. Kiera Crossman, Tyson Fisher, Maya McInnes and Mary Tolmachoff had the opportunity to use aerosol to transform a piano into a permanent installation that includes Psalm 100:1 “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” Students are encouraged to come and play the piano, have fun and be inspired by the creative design.

Well done to all the students involved and thank you to Mr Pearce and Miss Orlowski for their assistance with this project. Thank you to the grounds staff for also assisting with making this happen.

Mrs Leah Grant – Visual Art, Media Teacher


Recently, Year 12 Art students displayed their artwork in the Wattle Centre.

This was a wonderful Visual Art exhibition of outstanding work and accompanying statements which revealed a rich analysis of the context that the students had chosen to explore.

Mr Tom Tymukas – Learning Area Coordinator, Art


On Thursday 12 November, the annual Community Cross Country run was held. It rained, it cleared, it rained, it cleared, and just when we thought we were safe to start the first race, back came the rain! Although the conditions weren’t what everyone had hoped for, students contributed to the event with great effort and enthusiasm, enjoyed time with their peers and teachers and upon returning was given a much deserved Zooper Dooper. That is a win for all Communities.

Ms Jan Robertson – Assistant Head of Senior School


On 30 July 2020, 62 students from Year 4 to Year 11 took part in the Australian Mathematics Competition. Students in more than 30 countries take part, with questions demonstrating the importance and relevance of mathematics in students’ everyday lives. Pictured are the students who received a High Distinction or Distinction. Congratulations to all students who achieved highly in this competition.

Mrs Nicola Fotheringham – Learning Leader, Mathematics

High Distinction and Best in School

  • Shaun Phillips (Year 9)

High Distinction

  • Ojus Thankur (Year 6)


  • Bradley Langfield (Year 11)
  • Timothy Szabo (Year 11)
  • Holly Schutz (Year 11)
  • Yshi Tan (Year 7)
  • Eugene Lee (Year 6)
  • Tianxin Feng (Year 6)
  • Thomas Palmer (Year 6)
  • Maggie Tan (Year 6)
  • Harrison Green (Year 4)


  • Angelo Li (Year 10)
  • Kiara Skene (Year 10)
  • Hannah Szabo (Year 10)
  • Vivian Chan (Year 9)
  • Manveer Chauhan (Year 9)
  • Elizabeth Garcia (Year 9)
  • Alice Kim (Year 9)
  • Benjamin Nairn (Year 9)
  • Hiranya Agarwal (Year 8)
  • Kenoli Bandara (Year 8)
  • Tiancheng Feng (Year 8)
  • Aidan Milne (Year 8)
  • Ranya Tongaria (Year 8)
  • Jithesh Ventatesh (Year 8)


  • Keziah Chung (Year 7)
  • Jesse Cockburn (Year 7)
  • Ojaswi Ghising (Year 7)
  • Lorcyn Murdy-Green (Year 7)
  • Nathan Murby (Year 6)
  • Lachlan Thomson (Year 6)
  • Brij Upadhyay (Year 6)
  • Curtis Warhurst (Year 6)
  • Tyson Soraghan (Year 5)
  • Lily Dreschler (Year 5)
  • Jessica Kopec (Year 5)
  • Hannah Abimosleh (Year 5)
  • Edward Schneider (Year 5)
  • Tu Huynh (Year 4)
  • Tegan Murby (Year 4)
  • Liana Tunno (Year 4)


Premier’s Reading Challenge

This year, we are again delighted at the enthusiastic participation of our students in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. Reading is so critical for the development of literacy and learning and of course has the added benefit of relaxation and enjoyment. We commend our students on their effort and commitment in completing the challenge.

The number of Medals and Certificates presented to students in Junior, Middle and Senior School were:

  • Certificates – 56
  • Bronze Medals – 53
  • Silver Medals – 54
  • Gold Medals – 45
  • Champion Medals – 51
  • Legend Medals – 47
  • Hall of Fame Medals – 29
  • Reader for Life 8 – 12
  • Reader for Life 9 – 6
  • Reader for Life 10 – 1
  • Reader for Life 11 – 1

Literacy Pro Millionaires Club and Lexile 1000

What a team of champions these students are! With the cut off fast approaching, students pushed harder to achieve these milestones. This has been a superb effort and should be applauded.

Lexile 1000

  • Jasper Dutch – 2B
  • Tegan Murby – 4A
  • Henry Bloor – 4C
  • India Goodall – 5B

Lexile 1000

  • Tejveer Sekhon – 5B
  • Samaira Bath – 5P
  • Samuel Klitogiannis – 5P
  • Riley Pilgrim – 5P


  • Jasper Dutch – 2B
  • Tegan Murby – 4A
  • Charlie Bianchi – 4C (2 million)
  • Zara Lebessis – 5B


  • India Goodall – 5B
  • Harry McCarthur – 5P
  • Allegra Portakiewicz – 5P

Congratulations to all our avid readers.

Mrs Liz Denton-Brown – Teacher, Librarian


Jack Williams

Congratulations to Jack Williams, Year 6, who competed in the Viva All Schools Championships on 31 October and 1 November at the South Australian Athletics Stadium. Representing Pedare in the U14B category, Jack won gold in both the 800m and 1500m.

Well done Jack.



Extra-Curricular Sports feature articles and results below:



Week 4


  • Stars U10 – Pedare vs St King’s David – Loss 10 – 26
  • Year 6 Red – BYE
  • Boomers U12 – Pedare vs Keithcott Blue – Loss 17 – 24
  • Panthers U12 – Pedare vs Prescott – Loss 6 – 39
  • Year 7 Blue – Pedare vs Trinity Trojans – Won 51 – 16
  • Middle Girls – Pedare vs Gleeson – Loss 33 – 35


  • Year 4/5 – Pedare vs Prospect Primary School – Loss 98 – 107
  • Year 6/7 – Pedare vs Rostrevor – Loss 5 – 7
  • Year 8/9 – Pedare vs Rostevor – Loss 4 – 5


  • Sub Junior Yellow – Pedare vs TTG 3 – Won 19 – 16
  • Sub Junior Indigo – Pedare vs Hope Valley 8 – Loss 4 – 16
  • Junior Yellow – Pedare vs Newton Jaguars 4 – Loss 16 – 38
  • Masters – Pedare vs Pooraka Allstars 2 – Loss 17 – 36
  • Intermediate Green – Pedare vs Eastern park Demons 1 – Loss 14 – 68
  • Primary Green – Pedare vs TTG 3 – Won 18 – 1
  • Primary Indigo – Pedare vs Golden Grove 6 – Loss 6 – 9
  • GO Orange – BYE
  • GO Yellow – Pedare vs Banksia Park 2 – Loss 1 – 8


  • Pedare 2 Year 6 – Forfeit
  • Pedare 1 Year 7 – Pedare vs Scotch College – Loss
  • Middle – Pedare vs Rostrevor – Loss 2 – 8
  • Senior – Pedare vs Cabra Dominican – Won 8 – 2


  • Middle 1 – Pedare vs PAC – Won 2 – 1
  • Middle 2 – Pedare vs St Peters – Forfeit
  • Middle 3 – Pedare vs CBC – Won 3 – 0
  • Middle Girls – BYE
  • Senior Girls – BYE


Week 5


  • Stars U10 – Pedare vs Prescott 3 – Won 36 – 8
  • Year 6 Red – Pedare vs GS Nets – Won 
  • Boomers U12 – Pedare vs SFX Dunkers – Loss 15 – 52
  • Panthers U12 – Pedare vs GS Shooters – Won 26 – 24
  • Year 7 Blue – Pedare vs Cedar Lightning – TBA
  • Middle Girls – Pedare vs Gleeson 1 – Loss 39 – 26


  • Year 4/5 – Pedare vs St Joseph’s Hectorville – Loss 107 – 153
  • Year 6/7 – Pedare vs St Ignatius – Cancelled
  • Year 8/9 – Pedare vs St Ignatius – TBA


  • Sub Junior Yellow – Pedare vs Banksia Park 2 – Forfeit
  • Sub Junior Indigo – Pedare vs Tyndale 3 – Forfeit
  • Junior Yellow – Pedare vs Eastern Park Demons 2 – Game Abandoned
  • Masters – Pedare vs Mystic Opals 2 – Loss 26 – 18
  • Intermediate Green – Pedare vs Northeast Zodiac 2 – Loss 51 – 19
  • Primary Green – Pedare vs Hope Valley 5 – Won 19 – 7
  • Primary Indigo – Pedare vs Gemini 2 – Loss 3 – 12
  • GO Orange – Pedare vs Hope Valley 4 – Won 5 – 1
  • GO Yellow – Pedare vs Pooraka Allstars 1 – Loss


  • Pedare 2 Year 6 – Pedare vs St Paul’s – Loss 1 – 9
  • Pedare 1 Year 7 – Pedare vs St Ignatius – Loss 0 – 12
  • Middle – Pedare vs Immanuel – Loss 0 – 12
  • Senior – Pedare vs CBC – Forfeit


  • Middle 1 – Pedare vs Glenunga Intl HS – Loss
  • Middle 2 – Pedare vs PAC – Won
  • Middle 3 – Pedare vs Pembroke – Won
  • Middle Girls – Pedare vs Mary Mackillop 7 – Won 3 – 0
  • Senior Girls – Pedare vs Gleeson 2 – Loss 2 – 1




Tea Tree Gully Anglican

Tea Tree Gully Anglican Church is a group of Christians who seek to serve Jesus in everything we do. Whether you are just visiting, or looking for a Christian home, we aim to be a loving and supportive family for you. We meet at the church at 8:30am, 10:00am, and 6:00pm in person. If you can’t join us just yet, we’ll continue to stream at 8:30am and 10:00am online using Zoom and YouTube  Service times are 8:30am and 10:00am.

Please contact Dave Brown on for more details, or check their Facebook page for links.

If you are struggling and would like to talk with someone from the church during these trying times, please phone 8264 3736.



St Mark’s Anglican Church


St Mark’s Anglican Church currently have a 9:00 am traditional service and a contemporary service at 4:00pm. Please email to advise if you will be attending either service for COVID-19 requirements.

St Mark’s Kids Club (for Reception to Year 4 students) has also resumed this term on Thursday afternoons at 3.30pm (meeting fortnightly). Please email if you would like to attend.

For further information about St Mark’s services and Kids Club, please visit the website at