Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 8 for 2024

The Vine Issue 8 – 2024

June 7, 2024
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Mr James Tamblyn


Fostering in our students a love of the natural world and a shared commitment to sustainably caring for our local and global environments is a priority of our current Strategic Plan. This year, Pedare has committed to further grow and embed opportunities within the curriculum for students to deepen their awareness and understanding of sustainable practices, while simultaneously enhancing sustainable practices within our community through initiatives including:

  • Enhanced composting of student and staff organic waste
  • Enhanced understanding of, and engagement with, internal recycling programs

Sustainability electives at Years 7, 8 and 9 are growing in popularity as students are increasingly making the connection between local actions and the health of our planet. 

World Environment Day (WED) was held this week on Wednesday, 5 June. WED, led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and held annually since 1973, has grown to be the largest global platform for environmental outreach and is celebrated by millions across the world.

During WED this year, students from our EcoForce Club joined with Sustainability students to participate in the River Torrens Recovery Project by planting 500 native trees. My thanks and congratulations to all involved. 

At the Middle & Senior School Worship, produce was harvested fresh from our Sustainability Garden and donated to representatives of UnitingCare Salisbury, where it will be used to make food for those in need. This is another very tangible symbol of how our College community is contributing sustainably to the lives of those within our local community.

River Torrens Recovery Project – Wednesday, 5 June

The Senior Learning Centre build continues to track well. The first half of the slab was poured this week, a significant milestone as we prepare to see the building come out of the ground. Meetings in the coming weeks with students have been scheduled to work through options and opportunities for final design elements of the building and furniture. I look forward to sharing these conversations with our students at this very exciting time for Pedare.

Senior Learning Centre Update – Thursday, 6 June


Mrs Mandy Hore


As an Anglican and Uniting Church school, we teach about and commend the Christian faith to our community in a manner that respects all religions, cultures and backgrounds.

Last week, the College came together to acknowledge Reconciliation Week, actively demonstrating our commitment to recognising and acknowledging the rich tapestry of cultures and backgrounds that make up our vibrant community.

The 2024 Reconciliation Week theme, ‘Now More Than Ever’, encouraged all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives.

National Reconciliation Week was a time for all Australians to learn more about our shared histories, cultures and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

Our Reconciliation Week at the College began with a Welcome to Country and an address by Aunty Elaine Magias. Home Groups worked hard on collages of gremlins based on the artwork of Zachariah Fielding and explored the history of the Mabo decision, National Sorry Day and the 1967 and 2023 referendums.

Reconciliation Week Art Activities

We collected jumpers and books for a community in the APY lands. In the lead-up to the week, Junior School students made loom bands that were sent to this community, and they loved them.

On Wednesday, 29 May, we welcomed Mr Mark Koolmatrie, a Ngarrindjeri elder. He worked closely with Year 7 classes, sharing Dreaming stories, and Year 10 History classes discussing civil rights. Year 9s enjoyed his expertise in growing and using plants indigenous to Australia, and he shared lunch with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.

The inaugural Petworth Assembly focused on reconciliation and highlighted key dates and messages of reconciliation. Before the Acknowledgment of Country, students enjoyed the beautiful sounds of the didgeridoo; thank you, Mr Valadian. Another highlight was listening to the poignant piece of music, “From Little Things Big Things Grow” by Electric Fields, filmed in the Adelaide Conservatorium—I commend it to you.

MS/SS Assembly, led by Petworth Community on Thursday, 30 May and JS Reconciliation Assembly on Friday, 31 May

This year, work has also begun on refreshing our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and further strengthening our commitment to reconciliation. There is still much to do, but we are proud of many small steps already made, such as flying the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags and acknowledging the Country at College Assemblies and events.

Diversity is not just a concept; it is a fundamental aspect of our College’s identity. By embracing and celebrating our differences, we prepare our students to thrive in a global society. Reconciliation Week emphasised the importance of working together to build a future where everyone is respected and included. Our work will continue as we seek to create a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and empowered.

May our footsteps, on these ancient lands,
remind us of creation and connectedness, in our search for truth.
May the Gum Tree, from its roots to its branches,
remind us to dig deep and reach high, in our action for justice.
May the Eagle, who soars in the sky,
remind us of the power, in our call for love.
May the expanse of the lands and seas, of the sky and stars,
remind us of God’s timing in our faith in hope.
May the Holy Three, Creator Spirit, Lord God, Papa Jesus,
remind us of community.
So with grace, mercy, and peace, go in truth, justice, love and hope.

Brooke Prentis, Aboriginal Christian Leader from the Wakka Wakka peoples.


Mrs Eliza Buckoke


On Friday, 31 May, we held our annual Middle and Senior School Swimming Carnival, and it was a spectacular event! Congratulations to Greenwith for their outstanding victory. The Carnival was a perfect example of our Community spirit, with participants giving their all in the pool and their peers enthusiastically supporting from the sidelines. Well done to everyone involved!

Year 9 students attended an excursion to the Hillier Food Forest as part of their Individuals and Societies studies. Students had the opportunity to explore sustainable farming practices and deepen their understanding of ecological systems, reinforcing the importance of environmental stewardship.

There are lots of activities on at the moment, and in particular the Knockout Basketball rounds. We’re proud of all of our students who elect to take part in sporting teams, as well as the many other extra-curricular opportunities.

SSSA Basketball Girls Year 7/8 Round 1 – Monday, 3 June

SSSA Basketball Boys Year 7/8 Round 1 – Thursday, 6 June

Week 5 was Reconciliation Week, a time for reflection and learning. We were honoured to welcome special guests Elaine Magias and Mark Koolmatrie, who shared their wisdom and experiences with our students. A special mention goes to Petworth for organising their first Assembly under the leadership of Mrs Hore. The Assembly was a great success and a meaningful contribution to our school’s ongoing reconciliation efforts.

Guest Speaker Elaine Magias – Monday, 27 May

Guest Speaker Mark Koolmatrie – Wednesday, 29 May

Well done to the Middle School student leaders who served as tour guides at our recent Open Morning. They represented our school with pride and helped make a positive impression on our visitors. 

The Year 8 Healthy Minds programme, developed by Dr Tom Nhemy and featuring guest presenter Jacinta Durrand, has recently concluded. We trust that our students have gained valuable skills in maintaining their wellbeing. This programme is an important part of our commitment to supporting the mental health and resilience of our students.

Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support and involvement in our school community. Let’s continue to strive for excellence together!


Mr Josh Willis


Pedare sporting carnivals are some of my favourite days of the year. These events provide a wonderful opportunity for students to support their Community in various ways, not just through competitive events. During last Friday’s Swimming Carnival, students displayed courage by participating in championship events and demonstrated Community spirit by cheering on their peers. Many students, along with Pedare staff, worked hard to ensure their Community was well-represented in the pool and had the support they needed to do their very best. The Adelaide Aquatic Centre provided a fantastic atmosphere, filled with excitement and enthusiasm from all students, staff and families in attendance. A highlight was witnessing all six communities cheering on their swimmers in the final event of the day, the All-Age Community Relay. Congratulations to the Greenwith Community for winning the Championship Shield and the All-Age Community Relay. Thank you to Mrs Tronnolone, Mrs Jarman, Community Coordinators and all Pedare staff for their hard work in organising the event. 

MS/SS Swimming Carnival at Adelaide Aquatic Centre – Friday, 31 May

This week was an important one for our Year 11 and 12 students as they received their Term 2 ‘Checkpoint’ Data. This progress report provides insights into their academic journey, offering an analysis of their growth and areas for improvement across all subject areas. By comparing their Term 2 checkpoint with their previous performance in Term 1 and through itemised graphs for each subject, students gain a clear understanding of their progress this year. We look forward to the meaningful, data-informed discussions with their teachers following this process, which will foster personalised guidance and support. Our ultimate goal is to empower students with the tools and resources they need to chart their course towards continuous improvement and personal growth.


Peace, I Give You…

The question was asked: what is the opposite of peace? Thinking, a student responded with, “War”. This is the expected answer from society’s perspective, but not the peace the Bible refers to. In short, the Biblical opposite of peace is fear.

Fear, a natural emotion and part of our human survival mechanism, can take on many different forms like anxiety, panic, foreboding, impatience and discontentment. God’s peace, however, evokes a sense of calm, serenity and the feeling that everything is going to work out, despite what is going on around us.

Earthly peace depends on circumstances and human ability, often sought through taking on causes and seeking distractions from troubles. But these are never done and only short-lived. Even our silence can be troubled. God knew this would happen and promised us something different.

Jesus taught us in John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”. This peace goes beyond our understanding, and in Corinthians, God promises us that it will protect our hearts and minds.

With so much constantly going on in our lives and the world around us, we do not need to fear. Look to the Father and His peace, already promised to us – it’s a gift, we only need to ask Him.

Ms Miriam Smith, College Chaplain


2025 Music Scholarships

The Pedare Music Scholarship Program recognises individual musical talent, demonstrating the commitment of the College to the Music curriculum and the Musical life of the College.

These scholarships, open to instrumentalists and vocalists, will be awarded to students who display outstanding musical ability and a sound academic record. The College has a strong music culture with Concert Bands, a Stage Band, Choirs, a Jazz vocal ensemble, String Ensembles, a string quartet, percussion and guitar ensembles. The Senior and Junior Musicals are performed biennially. Applicants may have a contemporary, jazz or classical background in Music.

Applications for 2025 are now open and will close on Friday 21 June 2024 with auditions to follow.

For more information and an application form, please contact the Community Relations Manager, Julie Holland at the College Office 8280 1700 or e:

Junior School Disco

The Junior School Disco is next Friday, 14 June 2024! Book your tickets as it will be a night full of music and fun! 

A professional disco entertainer will be keeping the children moving with appropriate music, games, dancing and karaoke!


$10 per student – Price includes disco, entertainment, glow stick and lollies!

Please purchase tickets via the QKR app. Ticket sales will close Wednesday, 12 June.  Please note this is a no-cash event.


Session 1: 5.00 pm to 6.15 pm – Reception, Years 1 & 2

Session 2: 6.30 pm to 7.45 pm – Years 3, 4 & 5

R-12 Winter Warmers Casual Clothes Day

We continue to be incredibly grateful for the generosity of Pedare students, families and staff in considering members outside of our own community who are less fortunate than we are or in need of some extra help. The Term Two R-12 Winter Warmers Casual Clothes Day will be held on Friday, 14 June (Week 7).

This term, the students wanted to support Diabetes SA. All donations are welcome via the Qkr! App or at the College or Junior School Office on the day.

Students can wear their favourite winter warmer clothes and are asked to consider their timetabled lessons on a Friday, so their choice of casual clothes is appropriate for their day at school. Other expectations about the presentation of school uniform remains the same as for a normal uniform day.


Excursion to Samsung Smart School at Magill Uni

Year 12 Business Innovation & Year 11 Society and Culture

On Monday, 3 June, Year 12 Business Innovation and Year 11 Society and Culture classes visited the Samsung Smart School at the University of South Australia’s Magill campus. This excursion provided students with hands-on experience exploring Virtual Reality (VR) applications, games and 360-degree cameras.

Students engaged with cutting-edge technology, examining the real-world impacts of VR and immersive media. Maddison S (Year 11) noted how VR “can be used to develop a more hands-on approach when learning.” Students were impressed by a demonstration from Colleen O’Rourke, who showcased ‘Project: Eco-Vision: An iVR Journey into Sustainable Agriculture,’ highlighting VR’s educational benefits.

A major highlight was the introduction to Skybox AI, a powerful tool enabling students to create their own VR experiences. Guided by Dr Paul Unsworth (Uni SA) and Rosanna Cotino (Edged VR), students crafted storyboards and began bringing their ideas to life in a virtual environment.

The skills and insights gained during this excursion will be invaluable for their upcoming assessments, providing a practical edge to their theoretical knowledge. Alex C N (Year 11) reflected, “The skills learned today may carry over in my work when I graduate and could potentially get a job that has had VR or AR incorporated.”

We look forward to seeing how these new skills will be integrated into their projects, assessments and beyond.

Mrs Lauren Griffiths & Mr Tyson Prettejohn

Senior School One+ Careers Expo

On Thursday, 6 June, Senior School explored career options at the One+ Careers Expo.

Held at the Golden Grove Recreation Centre, the expo brought together recruiters, universities, trade organisations and external learning institutions to provide students with a glimpse of what may be on offer post-school. Students gained valuable insights into potential industry options and learned about the required steps to achieve their goals. This event was an invaluable opportunity for our students to begin thinking about their future careers and the pathways available to them.

Mrs Catherine Noack

Year 8 Science Fair

Year 8

Year 8 students captivated both staff and peers with their remarkable scientific investigations at their Science Fair. Their projects, selected with great enthusiasm, were innovative and scientifically complex, showcasing their keen curiosity and critical thinking skills. Throughout the preparations, we were inspired by their maturity, self-reliance and problem-solving abilities. We extend a huge congratulations to all our Year 8 students for their hard work and impressive achievements!

Miss Hannah Dearman



The Pedare Extra-Curricular Team are excited to bring you a new portal, containing information and links all in one location to our Sports and Clubs program.

The Portal is updated regularly to bring you the latest news, announcements, updates, results and more of Pedare Extra-curricular activities and events.




Tea Tree Gully Anglican


Tea Tree Gully Anglican Church is a group of Christians who seek to serve Jesus in everything we do. Whether you are just visiting or looking for a Christian home, we aim to be a loving and supportive family for you.

On Sundays, we meet at the church at 8.30 am, 10.00 am and 6.00 pm. If you want to discover what the bible says Christianity is all about, join one of the numerous weekly bible discussion groups, or want to find out about our Kids Club (R-6) from 3:30-5pm and Youth group (Y7-12) from 7-9pm that both operate on a weekly basis during school terms.

Please visit our website ( or contact Rick Maude at for details.




Gully Church (Tea Tree Gully Uniting) – Banksia Markets


Gully Church hosts the ‘local and friendly’ Banksia Markets on the first Saturday of each month from 8.30 am to 1.00 pm at 600 Milne Road, Banksia Park. Stalls inside the hall and in the car park include produce, fresh fruit and vegetables, jewellery, tools, bric-à-brac and lots more.

For more information, contact the Gully Church website at or email




Golden Grove Uniting Church


Golden Grove Uniting Church, corner of Crouch and One Tree Hill Road, Golden Grove, has a traditional service at 10 am on a Sunday.  Also, on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, we have a cafe-style church, a relaxed contemporary worship service at 6 pm in the Church hall.

Café Youth is a fun, interactive program for young people ages 14 and up looking to engage in topics of faith. Café Youth sessions start with a fun 30-minute activity based on the theme for the night, then followed by “Talk Time”, during which the group discusses a topic of faith while enjoying delicious snacks, refreshments and pizza! The cost for each session is $5.

For further information, please contact the Office at 8251 4298 or email  You can even check our webpage: